Bridle tape replacement

Bridle tapes eaten by mice

Cutting tapes to length

New tapes - type 1

New tapes - type 2
Capstan Felts

Double layer capstan felts

Felts replaced

Polished pins & new bushings

Type 2 Grand bushings

New capstan felts fitted

Worn & missing capstan felts

Wrap around capstan felts
Damper felt replacement

Bass dampers glued up and ready for fitting

Cut up felts after assembly

Cut up felts before assembly

Damper Levers Refelted

Moth cocoons eating through the damper felt

Moth-eaten bass dampers

Moth-eaten felts

Mouse damaged treble dampers

New bass dampers

New dampers close up

New dampers

New treble dampers

These bass dampers need replacing!
Damper spring glide felts

Moth-eaten spring glide felts

New felts
Damper tail felts

New damper tail felts

Old felt vs new

Tail felts eaten by weevils

Tail felts worn through

Uneven wear on tail felts

Wrong felt used
Hammer butt felt replacement

New butt felt and hammer return spring

New butt felts and hammer catch leathers
Hammer felts coming adrift

Bass hammer felt popped off

Repairing split keys - alignment is crucial
Hammer springs and spring loops

Grand piano loop cord on a jack action

Loop cord replacement on 70s vintage Yamaha action

New set of hammer springs fitted

New spring & loop fitted

Only broken springs replaced

Springs broken and loops frayed
Old style hammer return springs

Finished flange

Have to be individually bent to shape

Old style return springs
Replacing upright hammer butts, flanges and shanks

Finished job

Hammer flanges

Hammer heads and shanks before fitting

New butts fitted and travelled

New hammer butt with shank fitted

Old hammers
Upright hammer catch leather wear

New leathers fitted

Synthetic leather - not up to the task

Wrong leather used - worn away quickly
Upright piano soundboard faults